
Summary:ASTERISK-15511: [patch] New AgentTransfer manager event with extended transfer information
Reporter:Miguel Paolino (punkgode)Labels:patch
Date Opened:2010-01-25 09:20:22.000-0600Date Closed:
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) app_queue_1.6.c.diff
( 1) manager.c.patch
Description:This trivial patch adds a manager interface event 'AgentTransfer' with available information on queue call's transfers. Today only blind transfers are "logged" to manager interface using the AgentComplete event enabled by "eventwhencalled = yes" option in queues.conf file. This patch adds a new event with info that is already logged to queue.log and is necessary for online monitoring of agents, specially in case of attended transfers.
This event is enabled by the option "eventwhencalled = yes" in queues.conf (defaults to disabled).

It has been tested only on limited environment.


Current sample blind transfer logging:

Event: AgentComplete
Privilege: agent,all
Queue: demo
Uniqueid: 1264432102.0
Channel: SIP/200-00000001
Member: SIP/200
MemberName: SIP/200
HoldTime: 1
TalkTime: 4
Reason: transfer

Sample new event w/attended transfer:

Event: AgentTransfer
Privilege: agent,all
Queue: demo
Uniqueid: 1264430960.18
MemberName: SIP/200
Extension: 11
Context: demo
HoldTime: 0
TalkTime: 27
Type: attended

Sample new event w/blind transfer:

Event: AgentTransfer
Privilege: agent,all
Queue: demo
Uniqueid: 1264432102.0
MemberName: SIP/200
Extension: 100
Context: demo
HoldTime: 1
TalkTime: 4
Type: blind
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-01-25 09:57:54.000-0600

It's likely this patch will probably apply against trunk, but since it's name suggests it was against 1.6, I'm going to request it be made against trunk as that is where new issues will end up going. Thanks for the submission!

By: Miguel Paolino (punkgode) 2010-01-25 10:09:58.000-0600

Yes, it was coded against trunk, the patch name was mistake, can you please rename it to app_queue.c.diff ? Or should I upload a new one so there`s no confusion?

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-01-25 10:26:53.000-0600

That's fine -- you can reupload if you want (I can't rename it -- only delete), but the note you just posted above is likely all that is necessary. Thanks!

By: Paul Belanger (pabelanger) 2010-04-20 23:17:34

Might be good to include any pertinent documentation, for new manager events.

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-04-21 13:13:32

Requesting feedback from the reporter for the documentation pabelanger has requested.

By: Miguel Paolino (punkgode) 2010-04-28 14:27:44

Uploading manager.c.patch with documentation regarding this new event. Since there is no standard way of documenting AMI events I followed this proposal:
