
Summary:ASTERISK-16308: cell phone get disconnected from asterisk
Reporter:Andrei Moraru (matagou)Labels:
Date Opened:2010-07-01 07:36:14Date Closed:2013-04-14 07:47:18
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) hcidump-nokia.txt
( 1) hcidump-sonyerickson.txt
( 2) moldcell-asterisk.txt
( 3) orange-asterisk.txt
Description:I have two cell phones connected via chan_mobile to asterisk. One is Nokia 6230i and another is Sony Erickson T610. When I make a call from SIP extension via Nokia, the call is ok, but after the end of the call, the chan_mobile shows in asterisk cli:

Bluetooth Device Moldcell has disconnected.
Bluetooth Device Moldcell has connected, initializing...
Bluetooth Device Moldcell initialized and ready.

this happens each time after making a call via Nokia 6230i.
the syslog log:
voip kernel: btusb_isoc_complete: hci1 corrupted SCO packet
voip kernel: btusb_isoc_complete: hci1 corrupted SCO packet
voip kernel: hci_scodata_packet: hci1 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 48
voip kernel: hci_scodata_packet: hci1 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 0
voip last message repeated 9 times

When I make a call from SIP extension via Sony Erickson, the phone get disconnected at the start of the call and i get in the cli:

[SE610] user dialed from handset, disconnecting
Bluetooth Device Orange has disconnected.
Bluetooth Device Orange has connected, initializing...

also, this happens each time when i make a call via SE T610

The log file, with debug 10 and verbose 10, from the Asterisk log, is atached.


Nokia 6230i -  moldcell-asterisk.txt

Sony Erickson T610  - orange-asterisk.txt
Comments:By: Andrei Moraru (matagou) 2010-07-02 00:28:50

i've attached the output of hcidump on each bluetooth channel. I hope this will help in troubleshooting.

By: Andrei Moraru (matagou) 2010-07-22 10:10:03

Please give feedback regards this issue


By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-01-15 11:29:22.490-0600

Please note that {{chan_mobile}} is an extended support module. As such, development efforts for it typically come from the open source community. Response times may reflect that.

By: shabbir abbasi (shabbir92) 2013-04-11 12:57:05.067-0500

exact same issue with me i am using nokia c1  
and this happens in every call
sometimes after 2 minutes in session

By: Andrei Moraru (matagou) 2013-04-14 07:46:25.353-0500

The issue is more than 2 years old. I used chand_dongle instead of chan_mobile.

Thanks all for suggestions

By: Andrei Moraru (matagou) 2013-04-14 07:47:18.815-0500
