
Summary:ASTERISK-16615: Debian init script does not work
Reporter:wurstsalat (wurstsalat)Labels:
Date Opened:2010-08-25 08:52:34Date Closed:2010-09-17 09:33:07
Versions:Frequency of
Description:/etc/init.d/asterisk start|stop|restart does not work.
It just happens nothing.

I am using Debian Lenny 32Bit.
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-08-25 10:39:07

Not enough information provided. You will have to provide some logging to show what is happening here. Please check logs in /var/log/ and provide relevant information.

By: wurstsalat (wurstsalat) 2010-08-25 10:54:15

I would if there were any logs but there aren't.
Where should the init script write his logs or where should i find the logs you are asking for?

By: Walter Doekes (wdoekes) 2010-08-25 14:19:05

Try sh -x and post the output:

sh -x /etc/init.d/asterisk start

By: Sean Bright (seanbright) 2010-08-25 17:22:34

Similar issue was posted in #asterisk a few days ago.  readlink wasn't installed if I recall.

By: wurstsalat (wurstsalat) 2010-08-26 03:00:46

Here is the output:

+ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
+ NAME=asterisk
+ DESC='Asterisk PBX'
+ DAEMON=/usr/sbin/asterisk
+ ASTVARRUNDIR=/var/run/asterisk
+ ASTETCDIR=/etc/asterisk
+ TRUE=/bin/true
+ set -e
+ '[' -x /usr/sbin/asterisk ']'
+ '[' -d /etc/asterisk ']'
+ . /lib/lsb/init-functions
++ '[' -e /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh ']'
++ true
++ readlink /etc/init.d/asterisk

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2010-09-07 15:14:25

Per seanbrights suggestion, did you installed readlink?

By: wurstsalat (wurstsalat) 2010-09-08 03:36:40

readlink is already installed.
I use the same OS version than I use with
And with the initscript works without any issues.

By: Andrew Latham (lathama) 2010-09-10 10:09:05

Comment out the "set -e" and it will work fine...

There were some changes in Debian that made the script work different.  I was about to submit a note and saw this ticket...

By: Andrew Latham (lathama) 2010-09-10 10:25:37

In the Debian script, the "set -e" is inserted after some of the tests that may or may not return values that would trigger the exit.

By: wurstsalat (wurstsalat) 2010-09-13 03:20:43

You are right, uncommenting "set -e" was the trick. Now it works fine.

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2010-09-16 17:04:39

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 287195

U   branches/1.8/contrib/init.d/rc.debian.asterisk

r287195 | qwell | 2010-09-16 17:04:39 -0500 (Thu, 16 Sep 2010) | 7 lines

Don't fail when running the Debian init script directly (as one would normally do).

readlink apparently returns 1 when the arg isn't a symlink, which caused the script to exit.

(closes issue ASTERISK-16615)
Reported by: wurstsalat



By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2010-09-16 17:05:14

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 287196

_U  trunk/
U   trunk/contrib/init.d/rc.debian.asterisk

r287196 | qwell | 2010-09-16 17:05:14 -0500 (Thu, 16 Sep 2010) | 14 lines

Merged revisions 287195 via svnmerge from

 r287195 | qwell | 2010-09-16 17:04:38 -0500 (Thu, 16 Sep 2010) | 7 lines
 Don't fail when running the Debian init script directly (as one would normally do).
 readlink apparently returns 1 when the arg isn't a symlink, which caused the script to exit.
 (closes issue ASTERISK-16615)
 Reported by: wurstsalat

