
Summary:ASTERISK-17467: external moh is blocked when using dahdi timer
Reporter:isrl (isrl)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-02-23 19:28:11.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:05:32
Versions:1.8.2 Frequency of
Description:when using a external Program for moh like madplay or mpg123 the music is blocked if using Dahdi timer

using the pthread timer it works
Comments:By: isrl (isrl) 2011-02-26 13:52:36.000-0600

this is what i see in the debug only when i have the problem

[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=1.99E+05, Et=6.39E+06, s/n= 0.03
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=3.05E+03, Et=5.82E+06, s/n= 0.00
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=1.48E+05, Et=8.68E+06, s/n= 0.02
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=1.23E+05, Et=6.88E+06, s/n= 0.02
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=9.47E+04, Et=4.18E+06, s/n= 0.02
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=6.14E+04, Et=6.64E+06, s/n= 0.01
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=8.76E+04, Et=7.45E+06, s/n= 0.01
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=1.16E+04, Et=6.14E+06, s/n= 0.00
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=9.34E+04, Et=7.21E+06, s/n= 0.01
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=1.01E+05, Et=4.75E+06, s/n= 0.02
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=2.80E+04, Et=6.39E+06, s/n= 0.00
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=1.19E+05, Et=7.29E+06, s/n= 0.02
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=1.41E+05, Et=7.86E+06, s/n= 0.02
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=7.47E+04, Et=6.55E+06, s/n= 0.01
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=1.74E+05, Et=5.16E+06, s/n= 0.03
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=1.20E+05, Et=9.09E+06, s/n= 0.01
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] res_rtp_asterisk.c: No remote address on RTP instance '0x9814928' so dropping frame
[Feb 26 21:45:38] DEBUG[30203] dsp.c: tone 1100, Ew=1.49E+05, Et=5.90E+06, s/n= 0.03

By: isrl (isrl) 2011-02-28 11:57:05.000-0600

not fixed by issue 18262

By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-02-28 12:58:30.000-0600

Please test the latest 1.8 branch as some fixes in this area have gone in recently.

By: isrl (isrl) 2011-02-28 13:00:58.000-0600

I'm running currently 1.8.3 rc3 and still doesn't work
try even newer?

By: isrl (isrl) 2011-03-01 11:44:01.000-0600

if I preload res_musiconhold then it works

By: Vladimir Mikhelson (vmikhelson) 2011-03-02 21:42:47.000-0600

Yep, until you do 'moh reload'. Then it starts using res_timing_dahdi.so. And we are back at square one.

I am struggling on devising some module load sequence which will force res_musiconhold.so to always use the res_timing_pthread.so.  So far no luck.

I am on the latest and greatest, 1.8.3.