
Summary:ASTERISK-17825: [patch] dynamic thread exits with joinable state, which leaves resource of thread (250kb stack per thread etc.) unreleased
Reporter:wangjin (wangjin)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-05-10 01:22:57Date Closed:2012-01-09 15:56:01.000-0600
Versions:1.8.3 Frequency of
is related toASTERISK-17339 [patch] memory leak with IAX in 1.8
Environment:Attachments:( 0) chan_iax2.patch
( 1) top.PNG
Description:This problem occurs when the asterisk system has many concurrent iax2 users, and dynamic threads have been created to process iax2 protocol.
Dynamic thread exits with joinable state, which leaves resource of thread (250kb stack per thread etc.) unreleased. The virtual space of the asterisk process keeps growing, and the virtual space will be exhausted after a few days.


Suggested patch:

<inline patch removed by lmadsen>
Comments:By: Leif Madsen (lmadsen) 2011-05-10 13:54:47

Sorry, you can't submit inline patches like that. You must sign the license agreement, and attach your patches as a text file to this issue.

By: Alex Villacís Lasso (a_villacis) 2011-06-29 10:39:46.905-0500

wangjin: Is there a copy of the patch somewhere else to test?

By: Alex Villacís Lasso (a_villacis) 2011-06-29 14:42:40.238-0500

wangjin: I have uploaded a patch at bug ASTERISK-17339 that seems to fix the issue. Since your patch is not available here, I don't know whether your patch implemented the same idea as mine.