
Summary:ASTERISK-18959: astdb2sqlite3 fails to run if it is missing from PATH
Reporter:Paul Belanger (pabelanger)Labels:
Date Opened:2011-12-02 10:41:03.000-0600Date Closed:2011-12-07 14:21:16.000-0600
Versions:10.0.0-rc2 Frequency of
must be completed before resolvingASTERISK-18847 Asterisk 10.0.0 Release Blockers
Environment:Attachments:( 0) live_ast_sbindir_path.diff
Description:Steps to reproduce:

$ ./contrib/scripts/live_ast configure
$ make
$ ./contrib/scripts/live_ast install
$ ./contrib/scripts/live_ast samples

copy old astdb

./live/asterisk -vvvvvc

/bin/sh: astdb2sqlite3: not found
[Dec  2 11:36:10] ERROR[7223]: db.c:199 db_open: *** Database conversion failed!
[Dec  2 11:36:10] ERROR[7223]: db.c:200 db_open: *** Asterisk now uses SQLite3 for its internal
[Dec  2 11:36:10] ERROR[7223]: db.c:201 db_open: *** database. Conversion from the old astdb
[Dec  2 11:36:10] ERROR[7223]: db.c:202 db_open: *** failed. Most likely the astdb2sqlite3 utility
[Dec  2 11:36:10] ERROR[7223]: db.c:203 db_open: *** was not selected for build. To convert the
[Dec  2 11:36:10] ERROR[7223]: db.c:204 db_open: *** old astdb, please delete '/home/pabelanger/svn/digium/asterisk/testing/tags/10.0.0-rc2/live/var/lib/asterisk/astdb.sqlite3'
[Dec  2 11:36:10] ERROR[7223]: db.c:205 db_open: *** and re-run 'make menuselect' and select astdb2sqlite3
[Dec  2 11:36:10] ERROR[7223]: db.c:206 db_open: *** in the Utilities section, then 'make && make install'.
[Dec  2 11:36:10] ERROR[7223]: db.c:207 db_open: *** It is also imperative that the user under which
[Dec  2 11:36:10] ERROR[7223]: db.c:208 db_open: *** Asterisk runs have write permission to the directory
[Dec  2 11:36:10] ERROR[7223]: db.c:209 db_open: *** where the database resides.
Comments:By: Terry Wilson (twilson) 2011-12-06 17:19:55.644-0600

Please test/review: https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/1613/

By: Tzafrir Cohen (tzafrir) 2011-12-07 11:22:25.779-0600

live_ast should add the sbindir to PATH, then. live_dahdi overrides a hot of other variables.