
Summary:ASTERISK-19495: Create CEL tests for the Asterisk Test Suite
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-03-07 09:44:46.000-0600Date Closed:2013-07-13 15:48:33
Versions:Frequency of
Description:There are currently not tests in the Asterisk Test Suite to cover CEL functionality.  As we often recommend CEL as an alternative to CDRs, tests that cover the functionality of CEL and help to define its behavior would be useful.

This improvement would start by first defining a set of expected behaviors (user stories) for CEL that we would want to test.  This would include things like:
* When a channel is hung up, a record should be created in the CEL backends that includes the following information: (...)
* When a channel is transferred, a record should be created noting the new channel created in the CEL backends that includes the following information: (...)

Each expected behavior should be mapped to a test in the test suite.  Multiple behaviors can be mapped to a single test (for example, a nominal call set up between two SIP endpoints would involve multiple CEL records that could be tested for).

It is expected that a number of subtasks could be performed based on this one improvement:
* Definition of the test plan, described above
* Creation of supporting libraries in the Asterisk Test Suite (similar to CDRTestCase), which aid in parsing and verifying CEL records
* Tests that cover creation of CEL records for the scenarios outlined in the test plan for a simple CEL backend, e.g., CSV
* Tests that cover creation of CEL records for a variety of backends (ODBC, etc.)

Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-07-13 15:48:27.427-0500

A CEL pluggable module that performs verification via AMI was added.

CEL tests are really part of each of the various functionality tests - that is, if you test Dial, you should test the CEL records, etc.

As such, this issue can be closed.