
Summary:ASTERISK-19536: Queue option ringinuse is ignored
Reporter:Philippe Lindheimer (p_lindheimer)Labels:Regression
Date Opened:2012-03-14 14:22:25Date Closed:2012-04-11 11:11:19
Versions:10.2.0 Frequency of
causesASTERISK-21738 [patch] Segfault On Realtime Queue Members Processing
is related toASTERISK-18945 Review and refine the 'ignorebusy' option in app_queue
Environment:Reported to FreePBX but general issueAttachments:( 0) queue_ignorebusy_baddefault.diff
Description:the "ringinuse" setting is ignored. Whether set to "yes", "no" or removed from the configuration, if the queue agent (member) is InUse then the queue never attempts to send them the call. Confirmed that is behaves properly on

As a side note and maybe related, there is mention of a per agent "ignorebusy" flag in the sample queues.conf file but no documentation can be found as to how to set that (and thus if it is possibly related to this issue).
Comments:By: Greg Carlsen (gregc) 2012-03-14 16:07:54.636-0500

Also affects

By: Jonathan Rose (jrose) 2012-04-06 13:52:09.244-0500

Please test this patch. It attempts to resolve the change in behavior to 10 by setting the default of ignorebusy to '1'

A method for applying a default setting of this in 'member =>' statements will likely be added in trunk for Asterisk 11.