
Summary:ASTERISK-19655: Coverity Report: Fix issues for error type NEGATIVE_RETURNS
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-04-06 14:15:28Date Closed:
Versions: 13.18.4 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) core_NEGATIVE_RETURNS.txt
( 1) extended_NEGATIVE_RETURNS.txt
Description:Resolve findings from Coverity Static Analysis Report for type NEGATIVE_RETURNS.

Note that the findings are contained in the files attached to this issue, organized by module support level.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2012-04-10 17:27:17.305-0500

CORE issues:
Finding #0 - in the lexx/yacc madness.  Won't address.
Finding #1 - in the Berkley DB.  Not worth the risk associated with the change.
Finding #2 & #3 - fixed
Finding #4 - fixed
Finding #5 - fixed
Finding #6 - this is already fixed in sig_analog - if idx is less then 0, we return
Finding #7 - fixed
Finding #8 - 12 - fixed
Finding #13 - fixed
Finding #14 - fixed
Finding #15 - 29 - fixed

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2012-04-11 13:42:33.195-0500

Finding #30 - 34: fixed
Finding #35 - deferred.  Fixing this should not be necessary, as i will be set to m_type anyway.
Finding #36 - 43 - fixed
Finding #44 - pbx_lua is extended.
Finding #45 - 48: fixed