
Summary:ASTERISK-20443: ast_read() on chan '...' called with no recorded file descriptor
Reporter:Kinsey Moore (kmoore)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-09-19 09:28:12Date Closed:2017-12-19 05:29:37.000-0600
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Channels/chan_sip/TCP-TLS Channels/chan_sip/Transfers
Versions:11.0.0-beta1 Frequency of
is related toASTERISK-23418 ast_read() on chan '...' called with no recorded file descriptor.
Environment:64bit testsuite, Asterisk-11Attachments:( 0) tcp_attended_transfer_testsuite_failure.txt

The TCP SIP attended transfer test failed because one of the call legs was hungup prematurely.  The error message displayed when this occurred was:
[Sep 18 16:54:39] ERROR[19615][C-00000000] channel.c: ast_read() on chan 'SIP/end_b-00000001' called with no recorded file descriptor.
Comments:By: Kinsey Moore (kmoore) 2012-09-19 09:28:56.672-0500

full.txt log from test attached.

By: Kinsey Moore (kmoore) 2012-09-25 12:51:54.278-0500

Further investigation shows that the ERROR that shows up also shows up on tests that pass.  The critical difference seems to be this WARNING instead:
WARNING[14598][C-00000000] rtp_engine.c: Got hangup while attempting to bridge 'SIP/end_b-00000000' and 'SIP/end_b-00000002<ZOMBIE>'