
Summary:ASTERISK-20469: IMAP Voicemail - asterisk18-voicemail-imapstorage package doesn't install IMAP support in Asterisk
Reporter:Xpedeus Admins (xpedeus)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-09-24 10:29:41Date Closed:2012-10-31 20:54:39
Versions: Frequency of
Environment:CentOS 6.2, using FreePBX Distro, repository at http://yum.freepbxdistro.org/pbx/1.816.210.58/i386/.Attachments:
Description:When removing asterisk18-voicemail and replacing with asterisk18-voicemail-imapstorage, the voicemail module is still the local voicemail storage module and not the imap-based one. When I type "asterisk -rx 'module show like voice'" the title says "Comedian Mail (Voicemail System)" instead of "Comedian Mail (Voicemail System with IMAP Storage)" or something to that effect.

When downloading the Asterisk 1.8.16 source with the imap-2007f package built out at /usr/src/imap and running ./configure --with-imap=/usr/src/imap && make menuselect, I can select imap under Voicemail Build Options. Then when I build it out and run "asterisk -rx 'module show like voice'", it says "Comedian Mail (Voicemail System with IMAP Storage)"

I have in the past created tickets related to this at FreePBX, but they then told me the issue was with the Asterisk package build. I did confirm that when using the packaged version and having configured the imap voicemail settings, nothing goes to the imap server. It just remains local. But with the built out version, it works fine.
Comments:By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2012-09-28 18:15:56.672-0500

Can you provide the "rpm -qi asterisk18-voicemail-imapstorage" output?

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2012-10-17 09:32:24.258-0500

Suspended due to lack of activity. Please request a bug marshal in #asterisk-bugs on the IRC network irc.freenode.net to reopen the issue should you have the additional information requested.  Further information can be found at http://www.asterisk.org/developers/bug-guidelines