
Summary:ASTERISK-20679: Feature code attended transfer fails silently, each call leg works fine
Reporter:alexandr kurkin (savva)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-11-13 13:53:49.000-0600Date Closed:2013-01-30 09:28:24.000-0600
Versions: Frequency of
Environment:Linux 2.6.31, ARMv5TE(Marvell 88F6281 SoC)Attachments:( 0) 100-build_tools-iconv.patch
( 1) 200-addons-defaultenable.patch
( 2) 500-ast-time.patch
( 3) 500-nres.patch
( 4) 600-faxgateway.patch
( 5) 600-timingfd.patch
( 6) 700-ast_sip_options.patch
( 7) CLI_log
( 8) CLI_log.txt
( 9) extensions_users.conf
(10) features.conf
(11) full.txt
(12) sip_users.conf
(13) sip.conf
(14) wireshark
Description:We call from one client to another. On the second  press "*2". Hear "transfer". Then dial the number of the third party. The third subscriber rings. We pick up on it. But the connection between second and third is not established. In the console I don`t see a message of third subscriber`s answer. Then I hang up second subscriber. But the first and the third is not connected. Then I hang up the first and the third subscribes.
And then in the console I see periodically message:
"[Nov 13 11:54:45] WARNING[2397]: chan_sip.c:3918 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog '3a617f3264cc2f6104a3dc5f7...]

I recorded all of the packages that are currently being send to each other subscribers, but did not see anything incorrect.

I am attaching wireshark`s dump and CLI log.

Our asterisk is compiled without LOW_MEMORY flag.
Comments:By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2012-11-26 10:32:24.853-0600

attaching "CLI log.txt" so some can view in browser.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2012-11-28 16:57:32.507-0600

Alexandr,  We need additional debug to look into this:

We need a full log with all the default message types, plus VERBOSE, DEBUG both set to level 5 at least. https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Collecting+Debug+Information

You can cut out the relevant portion of log from the full log, but please don't record the CLI, as the "CLI log" you posted had all lines truncated.

Make sure the log covers from the very beginning of the first call, through to the end of the very last hangup.

Additionally, attach your features.conf, and the relevant portions of extensions.conf, and sip.conf sanitized with irrelevant comments removed.

Please also describe the codec configurations for each endpoint (e.g. x-lites codec configuration in it's own GUI)

Do you see this problem with any other endpoints besides x-lite?

By: alexandr kurkin (savva) 2012-11-29 08:42:07.647-0600

I put the files that you need and also add patches, that we use. I also want to add that I compiled asterisk 1.8.10 with our patches on ubuntu(x86) and saw the same problem. May be our problem in patches? Full log was recorded on Ubuntu 11.10(x86).
In Xlite we use only one codec - uLaw. For testing I always use only Xlite.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-01-04 14:50:54.845-0600

I put the files that you need and also add patches, that we use. I also want to add that I compiled asterisk 1.8.10 with our patches on ubuntu(x86) and saw the same problem. May be our problem in patches?
Are you saying that the problem only occurs with your patches in place?

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-01-29 19:46:25.292-0600

Can you confirm that this issue occurs without your patches in place?

I see the following right after the 6003 extension is dialed in your log:

[Nov 29 14:04:27] WARNING[16029] features.c: after ast_call
[Nov 29 14:04:27] WARNING[16031] db.c: Unable to open Asterisk database '/usr/lib/asterisk/astdb': Permission denied
[Nov 29 14:04:27] WARNING[16031] db.c: Unable to open Asterisk database '/usr/lib/asterisk/astdb': Permission denied

This really shouldn't be related at all.. , but never the less you may want to resolve that.

[Nov 29 14:04:27] WARNING[16029] features.c: after ast_call
I have no idea what this warning is... looks like something is being populated incorrectly.

Overall, the transfer is definitely not happening and I can't see why. If you can reproduce this without your patches in place then I'll have someone else look it over and see if we can get it in the queue.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-01-30 09:28:24.464-0600

Going to go ahead and close this since it looks like you are running with custom patches. That WARNING also makes it look like your features.c is patched as I can't find where that would come from in features.c

Feel free to re-open the issue if you reproduce in a clean version of Asterisk. You can always ping bug marshals in irc.freenode.net  #asterisk-bugs with any questions.