
Summary:ASTERISK-20686: Confbridge module not loading successfully after changing
Reporter:Rohit Wanchoo (rohitwanchoo)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-11-15 08:33:56.000-0600Date Closed:2012-11-15 15:47:13.000-0600
Versions:11.0.1 Frequency of
Environment:CentOS : 5.5, kernel : 2.6.18-308.20.1.el5 , Attachments:
Description:After compiling asterisk 11.0.1 on centos 5.5. I am not able to start it using /etc/init.d/asterisk start,
It gives the error " -bash: /etc/init.d/asterisk: No such file or directory" but "asterisk -vvr" works.

The most important feature "Confbridge" , its not loading properly if we do some changes in confbridge.conf file

asterisk*CLI> module load app_confbridge.so
Unable to load module app_confbridge.so
Command 'module load app_confbridge.so' failed.
[Nov 15 09:02:02] WARNING[5202]: config_options.c:771 uint_handler_fn: Attempted to set internal_sample_rate=auto, but set it to 0 instead due to default)
[Nov 15 09:02:02] WARNING[5202]: config_options.c:771 uint_handler_fn: Attempted to set internal_sample_rate=auto, but set it to 0 instead due to default)
[Nov 15 09:02:02] WARNING[5202]: config_options.c:771 uint_handler_fn: Attempted to set internal_sample_rate=auto, but set it to 0 instead due to default)
[Nov 15 09:02:02] WARNING[5202]: config_options.c:771 uint_handler_fn: Attempted to set internal_sample_rate=auto, but set it to 0 instead due to default)
[Nov 15 09:02:02] WARNING[5202]: config_options.c:771 uint_handler_fn: Attempted to set internal_sample_rate=auto, but set it to 0 instead due to default)
[Nov 15 09:02:02] ERROR[5202]: config_options.c:570 aco_process_var: Could not find option suitable for category 'a-1-1-0' named 'denoice' at line 456 of
[Nov 15 09:02:02] ERROR[5202]: config_options.c:405 process_category: In confbridge.conf: Processing options for a-1-1-0 failed
[Nov 15 09:02:02] ERROR[5202]: app_confbridge.c:2856 load_module: Unable to load config. Not loading module.
Comments:By: Michael L. Young (elguero) 2012-11-15 15:46:47.694-0600

Thanks for your comments. This does not appear to be a bug report and we are closing it. We appreciate the difficulties you are facing, but it would make more sense to raise your question in the support tracker, http://www.asterisk.org/support.

I think the error messages are telling you what is wrong.  It looks like you have a configuration/installation problem.