
Summary:ASTERISK-20692: Implement a Data Access Layer for the new SIP channel driver
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:Asterisk12 NewSIP
Date Opened:2012-11-16 14:42:52.000-0600Date Closed:2013-02-13 14:49:06.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
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Description:Part of the design of the new SIP channel driver calls for abstracting the configuration objects behind an API.  This has the benefit of reducing the amount of code that exists in the channel driver, as well as exposing configuration objects to multiple consumers, e.g., chan_foo_sip, res_sip, res_sip_registrar, etc.

This new feature calls for creating the Data Access Layer in Asterisk and defining the objects that will be used by the various SIP modules.