
Summary:ASTERISK-20776: Confbridge code understanding and maintenance.
Reporter:Richard Mudgett (rmudgett)Labels:
Date Opened:2012-12-07 09:53:24.000-0600Date Closed:2015-03-06 12:38:21.000-0600
Versions:12 10.10.1 11.0.2 Frequency of
Description:Renaming of things in ConfBridge will help immensely.  There are basically three main entities in the module: the users, the conference, and the mixing bridge.  If these names were consistently used it would help a lot.

struct conference_bridge_user -> struct confbridge_user
struct conference_bridge -> struct confbridge_conference

struct conference_bridge_user *conference_bridge_user -> struct confbridge_user *user
struct conference_bridge_user *cbu -> struct confbridge_user *user
struct conference_bridge *conference_bridge -> struct confbridge_conference *conference

A lot of functions take a struct confbridge_conference *conference, and struct confbridge_user *user.  This is silly since the user already contains a pointer to the conference it is participating.

These changes would go a long way to making the code simpler to maintain and understand.
Comments:By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2013-09-12 20:26:07.399-0500

The renaming has been done for Asterisk v12.  The elimination of the redundant parameter has not been done yet.

By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2015-03-06 12:38:21.149-0600

Dropping the remaining point since the main renaming was done a while ago.