
Summary:ASTERISK-20983: 'xmpp list nodes' returns (null) node names when collection is defined
Reporter:Marcello Ceschia (marcelloceschia)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-01-24 08:11:28.000-0600Date Closed:2017-04-06 14:38:37
Versions:11.2.1 Frequency of
Environment:a i686 running Linux Attachments:
Description:execute cli command:

xmpp list nodes localhost device_state

Listing pubsub nodes.

<--- XMPP sent to 'localhost' --->
<iq to='pubsub.localhost' from='asterisk03@localhost/asterisk03' type='get' id='aaadr'><query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items' node='device_state'/></iq>

<--- XMPP received from 'asterisk03' --->
<iq from='pubsub.localhost' to='asterisk03@localhost/asterisk03' id='aaadr' type='result'><query xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items' node='device_state'><item jid='pubsub.localhost' name='SIP/fritzBox'/><item jid='pubsub.localhost' name='SIP/19'/><item jid='pubsub.localhost' name='SCCP/test'/><item jid='pubsub.localhost' name='Custom:licht '/><item jid='pubsub.localhost' name='IAX2/testserver'/><item jid='pubsub.localhost' name='SCCP/22'/><item jid='pubsub.localhost' name='SCCP/21'/><item jid='pubsub.localhost' name='Custom:mystate '/></query></iq>
Connection asterisk03: asterisk03@localhost
Node name: (null)
Node name: (null)
Node name: (null)
Node name: (null)
Node name: (null)
Node name: (null)
Node name: (null)
Node name: (null)

I expacted the item name and not (null)
Comments:By: Sean Bright (seanbright) 2017-04-06 14:38:37.689-0500

I'm not able to reproduce this in Asterisk 13.15.0-rc2. If you are able to reproduce with that version or newer, please feel free to re-open.