
Summary:ASTERISK-21038: CLI: "core set debug channel" auto-complete returns "all", but not the names of available channels
Reporter:Richard Kenner (kenner)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-02-05 06:51:28.000-0600Date Closed:2015-03-13 20:41:36
Versions:10.7.1 13.12.1 14.1.1 Frequency of
is related toASTERISK-26480 [patch] CLI: core set debug: Auto-completes File not Module
Description:When I type "?" after "core set debug channel", I get a list of source files, not of channels.  This is peculiar because I don't see anything in the source that would explain this: it looks right.

Explanation from Alexander Traud:
Currently {{core set debug channel ?}} returns {{all}}. However, it should return {{all}} _and_ the names of the available channels.
Comments:By: Alexander Traud (traud) 2016-10-18 04:05:30.517-0500

* Nobody is assigned although [~jcolp] changed [something|https://github.com/asterisk/asterisk/commit/067a7e53848d09b9b12f2150fad85388b71bc5e2].
* I am not able to find a code review, neither on [Review Board|https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/users/jcolp/] nor on Gerrit.

If I understand the reporter [~kenner] correctly, he (and I) expect the command to auto-complete to either
A) {{all}}, or
B) name of a channel.

Currently, the command auto-completes just to {{all}}. Could somebody please double-check whether this report is completed.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2016-10-26 08:14:47.758-0500

Looks like Alex fixed this in ASTERISK-26480

By: Alexander Traud (traud) 2016-10-31 07:17:01.205-0500

No, I did not fix this in ASTERISK-26480.
Currently {{core set debug channel ?}} returns {{all}}. However, it should return {{all}} _and_ the names of the available channels.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2016-11-03 15:16:27.038-0500

Whoops I was moving too quick when I read through this issue and the other.

Fixing the summary here and opening this up as it doesn't appear to have been fixed. I don't know what happened with the issue earlier. I believe we had several issues marked fixed that shouldn't have been due to an error in the release process.