
Summary:ASTERISK-21255: Create a sorcery wizard for the AstDB
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:Asterisk12 NewSIP
Date Opened:2013-03-15 08:11:27Date Closed:2013-04-06 11:01:28
Versions:12 Frequency of
is related toASTERISK-20867 Create a realtime configuration sorcery wizard using a new schema for chan_gulp
Description:A key feature of Asterisk is the ability to persist objects in memory, the AstDB, or in a dynamic realtime database. In the past, much of this manipulation has been manual, that is, you have to store objects in an ao2 container yourself; in the AstDB yourself; and in a dynamic realtime database yourself. Synchronization of the objects has to occur manually and is prone to synchronization failures (or just forgetting to do it).

Sorcery provides the ability to persist objects anywhere as well as store them in a cache hierarchy. Right now we have an in memory provider; we now also need one for the AstDB.

This should let us doing something like the following:

Take a SIP registration, and store it such that:
* It is available in Memory - used as the highest level in the cache
* If not in memory, it is available in AstDB - used for restarts of Asterisk, such that registration information carries over
* If not in either cache, it is available in a Realtime Database - external storage to coordinate registrations across multiple systems, querying of data, etc.
