
Summary:ASTERISK-21260: Add MWI support to the new SIP channel driver
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:Asterisk12 NewSIP
Date Opened:2013-03-15 08:41:15Date Closed:2013-05-10 08:11:57
Versions:12 Frequency of
must be completed before resolvingASTERISK-21436 Add CLI/AMI initiated NOTIFY requests (sip_notify support)
cannot be resolved before merging ofASTERISK-21259 Build a pub/sub architecture for the new SIP channel driver
Description:Once we have a pub/sub framework in place, we can create a resource module that provides MWI services.

It should:
* Subscribe to stasis notifications for MWI (see https://reviewboard.asterisk.org/r/2368/)
* Provide formatting options for how that notification is represented. This can be subclassed out as necessary into separate modules, or could be implemented in a more direct manner
* Send NOTIFY requests to the appropriate endpoints when a change in MWI is detected
* Send NOTIFY requests to the appropriate endpoints on subscription creation
* Send NOTIFY requests on startup based on the cached value of MWI
