
Summary:ASTERISK-21298: Confbridge recording fails - deadlock
Reporter:Brad Belanger (btrain1227)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-03-18 15:53:37Date Closed:2013-03-21 19:02:16
Versions:11.2.1 11.3.0 Frequency of
Environment:CentOS 6.3 x86_64 VM under ESX5Attachments:
Description:Confbridge recording produces a mangled file name after restarting recording during a call. After calling stop the second time it automatically starts another recording with the same uid that stops immediately. Any further attempts to start/stop recording fails with no respons
e on the console.

ccc-voip-dev*CLI> confbridge record start 1
Recording started
 == Begin MixMonitor Recording ConfBridgeRecorder/conf-1-uid-72230577
ccc-voip-dev*CLI> confbridge record stop 1
Recording stopped.
 == MixMonitor close filestream (mixed)
ccc-voip-dev*CLI> confbridge record start 1
Recording started
 == Begin MixMonitor Recording ConfBridgeRecorder/conf-1-uid-1936058528
ccc-voip-dev*CLI> confbridge record stop 1
Recording stopped.
 == MixMonitor close filestream (mixed)
 == Begin MixMonitor Recording ConfBridgeRecorder/conf-1-uid-1936058528
ccc-voip-dev*CLI> confbridge record stop 1
Recording could not be stopped.
ccc-voip-dev*CLI> confbridge record start 1
ccc-voip-dev*CLI> confbridge record stop 1

Files produced by these start/stops
282924 Mar 18 16:08 confbridge-1-1363637319.wav
347564 Mar 18 16:09 confbridge-1-1363637319.wavconfbridge-1-1363637350.wav
44 Mar 18 16:09 confbridge-1-1363637372.wav

Once it reaches this state new calls fail and an Adhearsion app starts getting timeouts connecting to the manager.

Note - this issue appears to be resolved in trunk.
Comments:By: Richard Mudgett (rmudgett) 2013-03-18 19:15:11.630-0500

This is already fixed and committed to the v11 and trunk branches Feb 18 through Mar 4.  If you look through Asterisk commits, look for commits tagged with issue AST-1088.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-03-21 19:01:47.149-0500

Yup it's already in 11 branch, but not released. It should go in after 11.3.0-rc1. Closing this out. If the issues still on 11 versions greater than 11.3.0-rc1 then you would want to re-open.