
Summary:ASTERISK-21436: Add CLI/AMI initiated NOTIFY requests (sip_notify support)
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:Asterisk12 NewSIP
Date Opened:2013-04-15 17:03:00Date Closed:2013-07-01 16:29:22
Versions:Frequency of
cannot be resolved before completion ofASTERISK-21259 Build a pub/sub architecture for the new SIP channel driver
cannot be resolved before completion ofASTERISK-21260 Add MWI support to the new SIP channel driver
Description:Much like {{chan_sip}}, we need to be able to send unsolicited NOTIFY requests to a particular endpoint with a payload configured in {{sip_notify.conf}}. This feature is useful for administrators who want to be able to initiate a restart of a particular endpoint, or otherwise send some information to that endpoint.

The module should be able to:
* Parse {{sip_notify.conf}} and store the configuration objects appropriately
* Register a CLI/AMI command to perform the action
* Transmit a SIP NOTIFY request through the pub/sub framework using a configuration object's definition as the payload

We're going to have to give some thought to naming collisions on this issue.