
Summary:ASTERISK-21660: Queue does not respect agent status - deliver a call even agent is busy or unavailable
Reporter:Alexandre Keller (alexandrekeller)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-04-20 07:36:14Date Closed:2013-04-25 05:57:00
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Applications/app_queue Channels/chan_local Channels/chan_sip/General PBX/pbx_realtime
Versions: Frequency of
duplicatesASTERISK-21574 Queue is sending multiple calls to the available agents at once when autofill is enabled
Environment:Linux Debian 6 Asterisk Using realtime for queues and sip peersAttachments:( 0) debug.txt
Description:Queue does not respect agent status - deliver a call even agent is busy or unavailable.

My agents where dynamically added to the queue as Local/2143@agent_callback/n using the following instruction: AddQueueMember(TELEPRECO,Local/2143@agent_callback/n,,,,SIP/3612)

On peer 3612 I have callcounter = yes and busylevel = 1 and on Queue TELEPRECO ringinuse = no, strategy = rrmemory, wrapuptime = 3, retry = 5.

Console LOG:
- 3612@sip_subscribe       : SIP/3612              State:Busy            Watchers  0

- Local/2143@agent_callback/n (dynamic) (Busy) has taken 7 calls (last was 26 secs ago)

Here are the full debug info:

[Edit by Rusty Newton - removed debug from description field... debug should be attached to the issue as a separate file..]
Comments:By: Alexandre Keller (alexandrekeller) 2013-04-22 09:32:08.236-0500

I manage to find that if I do not use Local Channel as member of a Queue, and use a SIP peer instead, the problem doesn't occur, so the issue is related to Local Channel.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-04-23 18:17:30.535-0500

attaching reporters debug log from desc field.

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-04-24 19:53:26.860-0500

How is this any different from ASTERISK-21574?

By: Alexandre Keller (alexandrekeller) 2013-04-25 05:56:45.901-0500

It's the same issue, my mistake opening two at the same time.

I'm closing this one, and help some gives me any ideas on ASTERISK-21574.


By: Alexandre Keller (alexandrekeller) 2013-04-25 05:57:00.726-0500