
Summary:ASTERISK-21758: chan_gtalk and res_xmpp not compiling with openssl-devel installed if iksemel-devel is not
Reporter:fred flint (mustardman29)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-05-06 10:11:30Date Closed:2013-05-06 10:58:40
Versions:11.3.0 Frequency of
Environment:CentOS 6 (tested on 32 and 64bit)Attachments:
Description:menuselect says that chan_gtalk and res_xmpp are dependent on iksemel OR openssl however they will not compile if only openssl-devel (and openssl) is installed.  They will only compile if iksemel-devel is installed.  On CentOS 6 this requires the EPEL repository.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-05-06 10:58:35.380-0500

That's not what menuselect says. For {{res_xmpp}}:


Asterisk XMPP Interface

 Depends on: iksemel(E)
    Can use: openssl(E)


Both {{chan_gtalk}} and {{res_jabber}} say the same thing. There's no {{OR}} in there.

What's more, {{iksemel}} provides the necessary parsing for the Jabber messages. It would always be required for those modules.