
Summary:ASTERISK-21906: [patch] Fix memory leaks, invalid reads and more reported by valgrind
Reporter:John Hardin (jhardin)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-06-13 14:23:16Date Closed:2013-06-24 20:14:36
Versions:12 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) cel.patch
( 1) chan_motif.patch
( 2) config_options.patch
( 3) devicestate.patch
( 4) http.patch
( 5) manager.patch
( 6) named_acl.patch
( 7) presencestate.patch
( 8) res_calendar.patch
( 9) retriever-channel-snapshot.patch
(10) sorcery.patch
Description:Attached are several patches to fix memory leaks and invalid reads reported by valgrind.
Comments:By: John Hardin (jhardin) 2013-06-13 14:28:03.556-0500

The changes to aco_option_register_custom() fix an invalid read past the end of allocated memory due to the missing default value.

By: John Hardin (jhardin) 2013-06-13 14:31:08.698-0500

The while-loop was exited before types[0]->internal->opts was processed. ao2_unref() was moved out of the loop to avoid multiple derefs.

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-06-24 18:28:58.363-0500

* cel.c - fixed in trunk
* chan_motif.c - fixed in 11+
* config_options.c - fixed in 11+
* devicestate.c - fixed in trunk
* http.c - fixed in 11+
* manager.c - fixed in trunk
* named_acl.c - fixed in 11+
* presencestate.c - fixed in trunk
* res_calendar.c - fixed in 11+
* parking - fixed in trunk
* sorcery - fixed in trunk

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-06-24 20:14:36.236-0500

Fixed in both 11 and trunk.