
Summary:ASTERISK-21939: New SIP Channel Driver - add CLI/AMI commands that force actions
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:Asterisk12
Date Opened:2013-06-21 07:07:10Date Closed:2013-08-02 07:44:01
Versions:12 Frequency of
Description:We currently have the ability to qualify an endpoint and to send a NOTIFY request to an endpoint through the CLI on patches either in work or up on review board.

There's a few more that we need to do.

* {{pjsip unregister}} - send a REGISTER request to an endpoint with an expiration of 0 to force an unregister
* PJSIPQualify - add an AMI command that force qualification of an endpoint
* PJSIPNotify - send a NOTIFY request to an endpoint
* PJSIPUnregister - send a REGISTER request to an endpoint with an expiration of 0

Comments:By: Kinsey Moore (kmoore) 2013-07-23 07:55:10.323-0500

Progress on this issue can be found here:

By: Kinsey Moore (kmoore) 2013-07-23 08:01:54.835-0500

PJSIPQualify is functional and in the repository. PJSIPNotify already exists as GulpNotify and "gulp notify".