
Summary:ASTERISK-21963: CLONE - Callers on Queue are not being delivered to free agents
Reporter:Freetech Solutions (freetech)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-06-26 11:59:39Date Closed:2013-07-01 17:57:55
Versions:Frequency of
is the original version of this clone:ASTERISK-12555 Call on Queue do not are delivery to free agents
Environment:Asterisk 0) messages.tar.gz
Description:Callers that are in queue are not being redirected to free agents.
The environment has almost 50 agents (about 5000 calls per day), and under normal conditions customer reports we have many callers on queue but also many agents in free state.

Version of Asterisk:
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2012 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
Connected to Asterisk currently running on elx-hey-srv0 (pid = 31582)
Verbosity is at least 3

We usually shot the following command:
#asterisk -rx 'queue show 6001'

And the output shots many "Callers" with free agent waiting on.

We usually need to restart Asterisk (service asterisk restart) for these calls to be released and the condition to be overcome.

Im adding full logs for this issue.

Comments:By: Freetech Solutions (freetech) 2013-06-26 12:14:28.613-0500

Issue reported at 12:50 today 06/26

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-07-01 17:57:27.998-0500


I don't see a bug report here, so we'll go ahead and close this out. There are numerous configuration reasons your calls may not be delivered to free agents. You can search JIRA to see many many JIRA issues where it turned out to be configuration.

Some points to consider before opening a new issue.

* Please read the issue guidelines noted above before filing an issue. There is a check box for it visible when you create a new issue
* The issue tracker is not a support forum. You can request free support from other users at a variety of other resources, some mentioned here: http://www.asterisk.org/community/discuss and of course at forums.asterisk.org. Or of course you can purchase support from a variety of organizations, including Digium. (http://www.digium.com/en/products/asterisk/support)
* Try to reproduce the issue in a controlled environment, narrow down the most minimal configuration required to reproduce it and then post on the users list or forums to ask other users if they would expect the same behavior. Queue behaviors and the channel's relationships to various features are not necessarily obvious.
* If at some point you find a bug; behavior that does not follow expectation and you can describe how to reproduce it including configuration files relevant to the setup (queues.conf, sip.conf, etc) you could open a *new* issue.


By: Freetech Solutions (freetech) 2013-07-01 18:27:24.780-0500

Thanks Newton for your feedback, I really appreciate it.

I've researched and followed similar issues as described in the initial one which this report has been cloned from.
I know this is not a forum, and this issue happens randomly (at least 1 event per week), that is the reason why I think this is not a reproducible issue. In fact it occurs randomly as I stated above.
So there is no "minimal configuration" at all to reproduce it, I have been trying to catch it up but the behavior is really random.

Anyway will try to find all the configuration expected to be shown here, but again this is not a behavior that I can predict when to happen. I just tried to re-open an incomplete report because here we are having the same, and randomly again.

Hope you understand it.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-07-02 09:25:41.585-0500

I've researched and followed similar issues as described in the initial one which this report has been cloned from.
I know this is not a forum, and this issue happens randomly (at least 1 event per week), that is the reason why I think this is not a reproducible issue. In fact it occurs randomly as I stated above.
So there is no "minimal configuration" at all to reproduce it, I have been trying to catch it up but the behavior is really random.

If you can't reproduce the issue, show how to reproduce the issue or describe the exact events and configuration surrounding the behavior then please don't file it on the bug tracker as its not likely we can do anything about it.

I understand it's a frustrating issue. We however don't want to clog up the issue tracker with potentially unsolvable problems that don't contain enough data to even start tracking down. There are hundreds of issues on the tracker and we don't have the resources to work them all at once, much less do most of the troubleshooting work needed ahead of development.

You will need to provide us as much information as possible

* configuration of the queues
* configuration of the agents/queue members
* configuration of the devices associated as queue members or agents (sip.conf,iax.conf etc)
* dialplan that enters the members into the queues
* any scripts involved with those calls behavior

Provide descriptions of the timestamps in the log that show which call you expected to be delivered and when it wasn't delivered to an agent that was free.

Demonstrate and show that the agent was free with CLI command output showing the status of the agent and the status of the device tied to the agent at the time the call is waiting to be delivered.

Be sure that your Asterisk log includes both VERBOSE and DEBUG messages. See logger.conf, typically the full log is configured for this.

Please test with the latest version of your Asterisk branch, preferably the latest SVN snapshot to verify there is not a bug affecting this that has already been fixed.

Again this is not a support forum so if you need help with any of this please seek others on the forums or mail lists for assistance in troubleshooting the issue and gathering the data first.

When you have all of that please open a new issue, attach all files via "More Actions > Attach Files" as .txt where possible and include in the description an overview of the scenario and what is contained in all files.
