
Summary:ASTERISK-22205: incoming DID not wanted
Reporter:Herntz Graham (graher001)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-07-29 07:39:13Date Closed:2013-07-29 08:57:11
Versions: Frequency of
Environment:Linux CentosAttachments:
Description: -- Executing [1011972597636927@from-sip-external:1] NoOp("SIP/xx.xxx.xx.xx-b793f488", "Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer to 1011972597636927") in new stack
   -- Executing [1011972597636927@from-sip-external:2] Set("SIP/xx.xxx.xx.xx-b793f488", "DID=1011972597636927") in new stack
   -- Executing [1011972597636927@from-sip-external:3] Goto("SIP/xx.xxx.xx.xx-b793f488", "s|1") in new stack
The "x" represent the IP of my PBX. the DID is coming from somewhere but I cannot determine where it is coming from. I do not have the IP address from which it is originating from. I need to stop it but cannot. does anyone know how I can stop that number from playing in my PBX.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-07-29 08:57:03.515-0500

Thanks for your comments. This does not appear to be a bug report and we are closing it. We appreciate the difficulties you are facing, but it would make more sense to raise your question in the support tracker, http://www.asterisk.org/support.