
Summary:ASTERISK-22285: chan_pjsip tests: Implement nominal Alice initiated two-party call tests
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:Asterisk12
Date Opened:2013-08-12 10:23:18Date Closed:2013-09-02 21:13:51
Versions:12 Frequency of
Description:h3. Two-party Call tests
h4. Nominal Tests, Alice-initiated

The following tests require multiple iterations. Details about each iteration are in the following table:

|| Iteration || Transport-specific data || Extension Alice calls ||
| 1 | bind =
protocol=udp | bob@default |
| 2 | bind =
protocol=tcp | bob@default |
| 3 | bind = [::1]:5060
protocol=udp | bobv6@default |
| 4 |bind = [::1]:5060
protocol=tcp | bobv6@default |

h4. Test 1: Alice hangs up
* Alice calls Bob via Asterisk
* Bob answers the call.
* Alice and Bob exchange audio.
* Alice hangs up the call after 5 seconds.
Pass Conditions:
* Ensure that Alice can hear Bob's audio and Bob can hear Alice's audio.
* Ensure that Asterisk sends a 200 OK to Alice's BYE
* Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Bob

h4. Test 2: Bob hangs up
* Alice calls Bob via Asterisk
* Bob answers the call.
* Alice and Bob exchange audio.
* Bob Hangs up the call after 5 seconds.
Pass Conditions:
* Ensure that Alice can hear Bob's audio and Bob can hear Alice's audio.
* Ensure that Asterisk sends a 200 OK to Bob's BYE
* Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Alice
Comments:By: John Bigelow (jbigelow) 2013-09-02 21:13:41.690-0500

Committed in revision 4099