
Summary:ASTERISK-22294: [patch] format_g729 - better handling of CNG
Reporter:Jaco Kroon (jkroon)Labels:patch
Date Opened:2013-08-13 10:29:47Date Closed:
Versions:11.5.0 13.18.4 Frequency of
Environment:asterisk 11.5.0Attachments:( 0) asterisk_g729_vad_detection.patch
Description:In spite of asterisk passing all possible paramaters to kill VAD (annexb) some endpoints are hard-coded to send it, or simply ignore these settings.  I've got two examples, the one is a Yealink phone with "silence suppression" switched on, the other is an upstream peer for one of my clients.  To aggravate the issue they combine CNG with payload, and insist on a ptime=60, so I've seen 10*n+2 byte packets.  The assumption here is that the first 50 bytes is payload followed by 2 bytes CNG parameter data.

I've written a patch that will in these cases take whatever payload it can and write it to the stream and silently (after generating a WARNING to the logs for each affected stream - I'd like to add the actual channel name to the warning but don't see an easy way) discard the CNG data.  This results in 10-byte all-zero blocks, which I'll deal with externally.  This results in a 100Hz hum-like noise when listening to the stream again.
Comments:By: Jaco Kroon (jkroon) 2013-08-13 10:34:18.733-0500

patch to detect incorrect G.729 streams on write and at a minimum get any present payload, also stop spamming the logs with pointless WARNINGS:

format_g729.c: Invalid data length, 2, should be multiple of 10

on every single CNG frame.

By: Jaco Kroon (jkroon) 2013-12-31 04:24:23.457-0600

Updated variant of the patch that fixes a spelling error and adds a missing \n.