
Summary:ASTERISK-22407: Error out at config parsing when two or more transports are set to bind on the same interface
Reporter:Rusty Newton (rnewton)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-08-26 17:13:37Date Closed:2013-09-10 09:19:15
Versions:SVN 12 Frequency of
Description:If you accidentally or purposefully configure two transports to bind to the same interface, you'll get some weird behaviour!

If possible, let's error out when parsing the config to prevent any confusion.
Comments:By: Mark Michelson (mmichelson) 2013-09-10 09:19:15.923-0500

After discussing this with Rusty, the "weird behaviour" mentioned in the issue description was that calls to endpoints would not work due to transport settings on endpoints pointing to seemingly non-existent transports.

As it turns out, the transport in question was not loading at startup due to binding errors in PJSIP. There was a warning message that had this information as well. So in this particular case, a misconfiguration caused a warning at startup, and another warning at call-time.

The capability to not load res_pjsip.so on misconfiguration currently is not an option since sorcery does not operate that way. As it stands, we are presenting the information as best we can, so no further action will be taken on this issue.