
Summary:ASTERISK-22485: ARI: Origination provides insufficient feedback
Reporter:David M. Lee (dlee)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-09-09 14:22:27Date Closed:2013-10-19 09:44:54
Versions:12.0.0-alpha1 Frequency of
Description:When a call is originated via ARI (i.e. {{POST /ari/channels?endpoint=SIP%2F1000&context=internal&extension=6000&priority=1&app=test&appArgs=foobar&callerId=queuething&timeout=20}}), there is currently no feedback from ARI until the dialed party answers. If there's an error on the call (busy, timeout), there's no feedback at all.

Partially, this is due to my understanding that the channel was not created until the dialed party answers, so the ARI {{/channels/\[channelId\]}} cannot be created until then. Apparently, though, AMI issues events on some sort of channel during the origination process, so that's not entirely accurate.

* If a channel is actually created early in the origination process, the channel's URI should be returned in a 201 response to the POST.
* Origination errors (busy, timeout, etc.) should be sent over the ARI /events WebSocket to indicate the failure.
* If the recipient blind transfers the call to someone else, this should be indicated by a WebSocket event, and an OriginationFailed/StasisStart should be sent when the call fails/is answered.
Comments:By: Matt DiMeo (mdimeo) 2013-10-01 12:56:30.757-0500

Also - when one does a sip blind transfer of a call that's ringing/unanswered via a hard phone, I'm informed that this is called a call forward in asterisk, not a blind transfer.  This is the the operation I was talking about in your third bullet point in the Description.