
Summary:ASTERISK-22505: PJSIP cannot identify endpoints by dynamically-learned IP address
Reporter:Mark Michelson (mmichelson)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-09-11 11:05:08Date Closed:2014-04-07 13:56:40
Versions:12.0.0-alpha1 Frequency of
Description:With chan_sip, peers could be looked up by IP address, including the IP address that Asterisk learns based on an incoming REGISTER request from the peer.

With res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip, the only IP address that can be used for endpoint identification is what is in the configuration file. If an endpoint registers, the newly-learned IP address cannot be used for endpoint identification.

Since this is a discrepancy between chan_sip and res_pjsip, but it's not really a bug, I've filed this as an improvement. If this is actually deemed a new feature, then feel free to close it since I have no patch attached.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-09-12 18:47:41.016-0500

So, I'm assuming the issue goes something like this:
* Endpoint registers with Asterisk at some address, and that address is associated with a contact on an AOR.
* System B only knows to contact that IP address.
** If they provided the endpoint name, they'd be fine
** If they provided the endpoint@domain, they'd be fine as well (assuming the endpoint was associated with a domain)
* INVITE request is received by Asterisk destined for that IP address, and we fail to look up the endpoint.

The question then is, do we currently reject the INVITE request? Or do we just decide to send the request outbound since we have an IP to send to, even if it isn't associated with a known endpoint?

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-04-07 13:57:28.012-0500

Mark & I decided to get rid of this. As it is, you're able to use a SIP URI in a Contact to identify inbound requests from a non-registered (or registered) endpoint.