
Summary:ASTERISK-22546: Despite persistentmembers=yes, various queue member attributes set with AMI actions or QUEUE_MEMBER function are not stored in ASTDB
Reporter:Chano Klinck Andersen (Chano)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-09-17 09:56:08Date Closed:
Status:Open/NewComponents:Applications/app_queue Core/ManagerInterface
Versions:SVN 11.2.1 11.5.1 13.18.4 Frequency of
Environment:Debian 6.0.4Attachments:( 0) queue_member_test.txt
Description:When a queue has persistent members, and the penalty is changed through the manager interface, the new penalty is not saved to the asterisk database.

When asterisk is restarted the penalties are lost.

Steps to recreate:

* Enable the asterisk manager interface in manager.conf
* Create one or more queues in queues.conf
* Add one or more agents to the queue, either via manager or a dialplan function
* Use the manager interface to change the penalty. (In my case I use the http interface.)
* Restart Asterisk

After the restart the queue should have been exactly as before the restart, however, after the restart the penalties are lost, and have to be set again.

Browsing through the source code reveals that dump_queue_members are never called when the penalties (Or ringinuse) are changed through manager.

I am not using the QUEUE_MEMBER dialplan function to change the penalties, so I do not know if that is affected too.
Comments:By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-09-17 14:07:34.523-0500

Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Asterisk better. Unfortunately, we cannot work on this bug because your description did not include enough information. You may find it helpful to read the Asterisk Issue Guidelines http://www.asterisk.org/developers/bug-guidelines. We would be grateful if you would then provide a more complete description of the problem. At a minimum, we need:

1. the specific steps or actions you took that caused you to encounter the problem,
2. the behavior you expected, and
3. the behavior you actually encountered (in as much detail as possible).

This likely includes output from the console with debug level logging, a SIP trace (if this is SIP related), and configuration information such as dialplan (e.g. extensions.conf) and channel configuration (e.g. sip.conf). Thanks!


Please provide the exact steps to reproduce, with your example manager commands used, dialplan and anything else needed.

In addition, a DEBUG and VERBOSE log showing what happens as you do this would be helpful as well.


By: Chano Klinck Andersen (Chano) 2013-09-18 02:12:41.222-0500

I have added some extra information. Let me know if more info is needed.

By: Chano Klinck Andersen (Chano) 2013-09-19 02:51:11.505-0500

I believe I have entered all available information.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-09-25 20:40:56.751-0500

Thanks I'll look into it tomorrow to verify the behavior you are seeing.

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-10-04 18:09:00.640-0500

Attaching queue_member_test.txt

Tested on SVN-branch-11-r400470 (latest 11 as of 10/4/2013)

Since you seem to possibly identified the issue in the source for the AMI portion, I started by testing with QUEUE_MEMBER since you had not tested that, and tested using pause status rather than penalty.

It fails to save to ASTDB despite the persistentmembers=yes setting in queues.conf

I tested pausing with the CLI commands to compare and those worked just fine, as well as reflecting in the ASTDB.

Looks the issue potentially affects both the QUEUE_MEMBER function and the related Manager commands.

By: Chano Klinck Andersen (Chano) 2015-09-08 15:46:24.594-0500

Any news on when this will be fixed? I can see it has been linked to an internal bugtracker, but no updates since..

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2015-09-08 15:50:01.128-0500

There is no date for when this will be fixed and any updates will be posted here.