
Summary:ASTERISK-22548: [patch] Add SIP un-register tests
Reporter:Michael L. Young (elguero)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-09-17 13:46:50Date Closed:2013-09-27 09:35:45
Versions: Frequency of
cannot be resolved before completion ofASTERISK-22428 [patch] SIP unregister does not fully unregister when using Realtime sip peers and Expires not 0 on 200ok
is related toASTERISK-22428 [patch] SIP unregister does not fully unregister when using Realtime sip peers and Expires not 0 on 200ok
Environment:Attachments:( 0) ast-test-sip-unregister-v1.diff
Description:These tests will register a peer using IPv4 / IPv6 and then un-register the peer checking the response after the un-register request.  It looks to make sure that the Expires header is 0.  It also looks to make sure that the Contacts header is not present.

These tests also cover authenticated registers and un-authenticated registers.