
Summary:ASTERISK-22591: [patch]Prevent Asterisk from writing received SMS content in log
Reporter:Jan Juergens (j_juergens)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-09-26 07:27:47Date Closed:2015-03-13 20:55:24
Versions:SVN Frequency of
Environment:Debian 7.1, Kernel 3.2.0-4-686-paeAttachments:( 0) DisableSmsContentLogging.patch
( 1) DisableSmsContentLoggingByParam.patch
Description:To act in accordance with the German privacy laws, we cannot allow Asterisk to write the content of each received SMS into a log file (/var/log/asterisk/sms).

Since this is the (non-configurable) default behavior, we have added a compile time flag (available in menuconfig) which replaces the content with just the length of the received message, keeping the meta information (time, phone numbers) which we need for debugging purposes.
Comments:By: Jan Juergens (j_juergens) 2013-09-26 07:31:37.780-0500

Patch which adds the menuconfig option and disables logging in app_sms.c

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-10-14 15:56:02.048-0500

I don't think patch is the correct approach.

In general, we attempt to avoid compile time options. Compile time options make it difficult for people deploying Asterisk to easily change their configuration, and are generally more obscure than "normal" configuration options. They're typically relegated to developer or debug settings, when used at all.

Historical usage of them for configuration (such as {{app_voicemail}}'s use of them to change storage backends) is *not* something we want to encourage.

This patch should allow for disabling of SMS logging as a parameter passed to the SMS application.

By: Jan Juergens (j_juergens) 2013-10-25 09:57:29.919-0500

Yes, you're right, I thought about a config file but completely forgot the idea of introducing a param.

I revised my original patch and added a new param to SMS(), which disables the logging. Please take a look, if this looks more promising.

By: Jan Juergens (j_juergens) 2013-10-25 09:58:19.971-0500

New version of the patch which uses a parameter to disable logging.