
Summary:ASTERISK-22594: QUEUE membermacro args
Reporter:Emiliano (elmemis)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-09-26 14:24:46Date Closed:2013-09-26 14:33:21
Versions:11.2.2 Frequency of
Environment:Debian 7, ASterisk 11.2.Attachments:
Description:When you want to pass parameters to membermacro macro is not possible. Variables can not be passed as parameters.

For example whit Queue app on dialplan:

exten => s,1,Noop(Args: ${ARG1})

Execute log:
Queue("CHANNEL", "ventas,n,,,100,,agent-answer-call(1380223313.1088)")

[Sep 26 16:22:20] WARNING[9230][C-0000016c]: app_macro.c:309 _macro_exec: No such context 'macro-agent-answer-call(1380223313.1088)' for macro 'agent-answer-call(1380223313.1088)'.

Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-09-26 14:33:21.999-0500

This is not a bug.

# It was never within the intent of the interception subroutines or macros to allow for parameter passing.
# At best, it would be an improvement to allow passing of values.
# Finally, we wouldn't add this improvement for macros. Macros are deprecated and have been completely replaced with GoSub routines.

By: Emiliano (elmemis) 2013-09-26 15:10:24.004-0500

How I can do to run a function when connecting an agent by passing parameters?, Is it possible?