
Summary:ASTERISK-22617: IFTIME doesn't support Timezoone-Parameter and still uses |
Reporter:Olaf Winkler (abw1oim)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-09-30 10:07:11Date Closed:2013-09-30 15:18:45
Versions: 11.5.1 Frequency of
Description:When trying to use the whole timespec as declared by GotoIfTime (times,weekdays,mdays,months[,timezone]) You'll got an error. At least 4 parameters instead of 4 + one optional are supported by IFTIME. This is inconsistent to GotoIfTime and should be changed.

In addition: IFTIME still uses pipes as seperators. Shouldn't this be changed into commas ?
Comments:By: Michael L. Young (elguero) 2013-09-30 14:14:35.924-0500

What is the error message?

In regards to your question about using pipes, the code is looking for pipes or commas.

By: Olaf Winkler (abw1oim) 2013-09-30 15:17:34.234-0500

Ok, You're right. I'd a syntax-problem there as I wrote ifTime instean of IFTIME - IFTIME works correct as it shoud, all parameters are available and it doesn't matter if You're using pipes or commas. We may close this.