
Summary:ASTERISK-22681: RES XMPP
Reporter:Slava Bendersky (volga629)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-10-11 00:27:48Date Closed:2013-11-01 10:38:16
Versions:11.5.0 11.5.1 Frequency of
is related toASTERISK-22410 [patch] Change "Error isn't a PubSub error ..." error log to a debug log
Environment:cent 6.4 x86_64Attachments:
Description:This error filling the log.

[2013-10-11 01:21:21] ERROR[2228]: res_xmpp.c:1384 xmpp_pubsub_handle_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?
[2013-10-11 01:21:21] ERROR[2228]: res_xmpp.c:1384 xmpp_pubsub_handle_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?
[2013-10-11 01:21:21] ERROR[2228]: res_xmpp.c:1384 xmpp_pubsub_handle_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?

But client connected.  XMPP server prosody.

capbxsrv01*CLI> xmpp show connections
Jabber Users and their status:
      [asterisk] delta@net.ca     - Connected
  Number of clients: 1
capbxsrv01*CLI> xmpp show buddies
XMPP buddy lists
Client: asterisk
Buddy: betta@net.ca
Resource: asterisk-xmpp
node: http://www.asterisk.org/xmpp/client/caps
version: asterisk-xmpp
Google Talk capable: no
Jingle capable: yes

I wonder what is mean, can't find any info about it. Thank for you help and time.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-10-14 12:37:34.407-0500

Please attach a trace of the XMPP messages causing the problem. You should be able to enable XMPP debugging with 'xmpp set debug on'.

By: Slava Bendersky (volga629) 2013-10-14 14:15:44.702-0500

Hello Matt.

Here what I see on debug.

<--- XMPP received from 'asterisk' --->
<iq id='aaabn' type='error' to='delta@net.ca/asterisk-xmpp' from='pub.net.ca'><error type='cancel'><conflict xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq><iq id='aaabo' type='error' to='delta@net.ca/asterisk-xmpp' from='pub.net.ca'><error type='cancel'><service-unavailable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq><message type='headline' to='delta@net.ca' from='pub.net.ca'><event xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'><items node='device_state'><item id='SIP/110'><state eid='00:0c:29:86:5b:25' cachable='1' xmlns='http://asterisk.org'>NOT_INUSE</state></item></items></event></message><iq id='aaabm' type='result' to='delta@net.ca/asterisk-xmpp' from='pub.net.ca'><pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'><publish node='device_state'><item id='SIP/110'/></publish></pubsub></iq>
[2013-10-14 15:05:26] ERROR[15645]: res_xmpp.c:1384 xmpp_pubsub_handle_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?
[2013-10-14 15:05:26] ERROR[15645]: res_xmpp.c:1384 xmpp_pubsub_handle_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?
[2013-10-14 15:05:26] ERROR[15645]: res_xmpp.c:1384 xmpp_pubsub_handle_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?
[2013-10-14 15:05:26] ERROR[15645]: res_xmpp.c:1384 xmpp_pubsub_handle_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?

<--- XMPP received from 'asterisk-2' --->
<iq id='aaacf' type='error' to='gamma@net.ca/asterisk-xmpp' from='pub.net.ca'><error type='cancel'><conflict xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq>
[2013-10-14 15:05:26] ERROR[15646]: res_xmpp.c:1384 xmpp_pubsub_handle_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?
[2013-10-14 15:05:26] ERROR[15646]: res_xmpp.c:1384 xmpp_pubsub_handle_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?

<--- XMPP received from 'asterisk-2' --->
<iq id='aaacg' type='error' to='gamma@net.ca/asterisk-xmpp' from='pub.net.ca'><error type='cancel'><service-unavailable xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/></error></iq><message type='headline' to='gamma@net.ca' from='pub.net.ca'><event xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event'><items node='device_state'><item id='SIP/110'><state eid='00:0c:29:86:5b:25' cachable='1' xmlns='http://asterisk.org'>NOT_INUSE</state></item></items></event></message><iq id='aaace' type='result' to='gamma@net.ca/asterisk-xmpp' from='pub.net.ca'><pubsub xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub'><publish node='device_state'><item id='SIP/110'/></publish></pubsub></iq>
[2013-10-14 15:05:26] ERROR[15646]: res_xmpp.c:1384 xmpp_pubsub_handle_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?
[2013-10-14 15:05:26] ERROR[15646]: res_xmpp.c:1384 xmpp_pubsub_handle_error: Error isn't a PubSub error, why are we here?

By: Slava Bendersky (volga629) 2013-10-14 19:36:17.721-0500

I also noticed unhandeled stanza.

Oct 15 02:25:11 c2s16999f0 debug Received[c2s]: <iq id='aaeio' type='set' to='sub.net.ca' from='gamma@net.ca/asterisk-xmpp'>
Oct 15 02:25:11 stanzarouter debug Stanza of type iq from c2s has xmlns: http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner
Oct 15 02:25:11 stanzarouter debug Unhandled c2s stanza: iq; xmlns=http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#owner
Oct 15 02:25:11 c2s16999f0 debug Received[c2s]: <iq id='aaeim' type='set' to='sub.net.ca' from='gamma@net.ca/asterisk-xmpp'>

By: Kinsey Moore (kmoore) 2013-10-17 09:17:07.416-0500

There is an explanation of these issues on ASTERISK-22410 and a partial resolution.

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-11-01 10:38:16.657-0500

Closing this out as a duplicate of ASTERISK-22410. A patch has gone in that clarifies and handles that ERROR message in a more appropriate fashion.