
Summary:ASTERISK-22822: Recieving SMS not working
Reporter:Martin Kremser (maky)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-11-04 01:05:24.000-0600Date Closed:2013-12-07 21:05:00.000-0600
Versions: Frequency of
Environment:Debian 7 Asterisk (latest Wheezy)Attachments:
Description:I have a "bad stop bit"-error on app_sms.c, when I try to receive from
the SMS Center of "Deutsche Telekom" with the app_sms.c apps of Asterisk 1.8

  -- Executing [XXXXXXXXXX@sms_in:3] SMS("SIP/telekom-00000000", "XXXXXXXXXX,at") in new stack
sms argc 2 queue <xxxxxxxxxx> opts <at> addr <> body <>
initial delay 300ms
   -- SMS TX 7F 00
[Nov  4 07:37:55] NOTICE[2764]: app_sms.c:1804 sms_process: bad stop bit
[Nov  4 07:37:56] NOTICE[2764]: app_sms.c:1804 sms_process: bad stop bit
[Nov  4 07:37:56] NOTICE[2764]: app_sms.c:1804 sms_process: bad stop bit
[Nov  4 07:37:56] NOTICE[2764]: app_sms.c:1727 sms_process: Error 255, hanging up
   -- SMS TX 92 01 FF
[Nov  4 07:37:56] NOTICE[2764]: app_sms.c:1804 sms_process: bad stop bit
[Nov  4 07:37:56] NOTICE[2764]: app_sms.c:1804 sms_process: bad stop bit
[Nov  4 07:37:56] NOTICE[2764]: app_sms.c:1727 sms_process: Error 255, hanging up
   -- SMS TX 92 01 FF

Sending SMS produces a "bad stop bit error", too.
Patch from ASTERISK-18331 is working for me: sending sms is ok.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-11-04 10:56:25.604-0600

Without actually seeing the SMS that you're receiving and the full message that is causing the 'bad stop bit' error, I don't think anyone is going to be able to diagnose and provide a patch for this issue. You will need to provide that information.

That being said, {{app_sms}} is in extended support, which means development support for it typically comes from the Asterisk Development Community. Issues without patches are unlikely to receive much attention.

By: Martin Kremser (maky) 2013-11-05 00:34:34.417-0600

The SMS is a simple "a" !

> the full message that is causing the 'bad stop bit' error
how do I get this information?

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-11-20 18:35:40.821-0600

Martin can you turn up VERBOSE and DEBUG messages both to 5, and get a log of the issue to see if app_sms spits out additional data? https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Collecting+Debug+Information

Additionally have you already posted on the asterisk-users mailing list to see if anyone has run into the same issue with app_sms?

By: Martin Kremser (maky) 2013-11-20 23:53:19.713-0600

This is what I have done to get above notice. App_sms gives no further hint whats going wrong...

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-12-07 21:03:49.385-0600

Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Asterisk better. Unfortunately, we cannot work on this bug because your description did not include enough information. You may find it helpful to read the Asterisk Issue Guidelines http://www.asterisk.org/developers/bug-guidelines. We would be grateful if you would then provide a more complete description of the problem. At a minimum, we need:

1. the specific steps or actions you took that caused you to encounter the problem,
2. the behavior you expected, and
3. the behavior you actually encountered (in as much detail as possible).

This likely includes output from the console with debug level logging, a SIP trace (if this is SIP related), and configuration information such as dialplan (e.g. extensions.conf) and channel configuration (e.g. sip.conf). Thanks!

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2013-12-07 21:04:41.343-0600

In this particular case, as Rusty noted, we really need to get DEBUG logs illustrating the problem. The actual SMS messages received by Asterisk would also be helpful.

As it is, with this little information, there is little anyone can do to help you or to determine whether this is actually a problem in {{app_sms}} or a problem in the messages it is receiving.