
Summary:ASTERISK-22888: RES Corosync
Reporter:Slava Bendersky (volga629)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-11-21 17:42:58.000-0600Date Closed:2013-11-21 19:31:02.000-0600
Versions:11.5.1 Frequency of
Description:I got distribution state working through corosync and some time getting thi warning.

Asterisk box running on vm with 2 interfaces.

[2013-11-22 00:37:25] WARNING[3225]: res_corosync.c:316 ast_event_cb: CPG mcast failed (6)
[2013-11-22 00:37:25] WARNING[3225]: res_corosync.c:316 ast_event_cb: CPG mcast failed (6)
[2013-11-22 00:37:25] WARNING[3225]: res_corosync.c:316 ast_event_cb: CPG mcast failed (6)
[2013-11-22 00:37:25] WARNING[3225]: res_corosync.c:316 ast_event_cb: CPG mcast failed (6)
Comments:By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-11-21 19:31:03.018-0600

We don't accept information requests on the tracker.  Please read the guidelines https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Issue+Guidelines

In any case you haven't provided enough information to identify this is as a bug.

You might post on the asterisk-users mailing list to find other users of res_corosync and see if they have run into the error before.

By: Slava Bendersky (volga629) 2013-11-22 09:12:33.129-0600

I posted on mailing list per you suggestion, but here some finding which might will give better grass to look into this issue.

After some digging around I found that ping going from wrong interface, another words it not aware of it.
When i do ping command from cli I see mac address of outside interface. And corosync looking for subnet notation and not following default gateway.
Is this look some something no right ?

[2013-11-22 15:58:35] NOTICE[3147]: res_corosync.c:303 ast_event_cb: (ast_event_cb) Got event PING from server with EID: 'Mac address of eth0 and not eth1'
[2013-11-22 15:58:35] WARNING[3147]: res_corosync.c:316 ast_event_cb: CPG mcast failed (6)
