
Summary:ASTERISK-22956: core prompts for Russian set require a few new files
Reporter:Rusty Newton (rnewton)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-12-09 16:51:24.000-0600Date Closed:2017-02-05 16:09:20.000-0600
Versions:SVN 11.6.0 12.0.0-beta2 Frequency of
must be completed before resolvingASTERISK-26274 Resolve open sounds issues and then create a new sounds release (1.5.1? or 1.6?)
Environment:1.4.25 Core Asterisk soundsAttachments:
Description:A 1.4.26 core sounds release will be needed for the Russian sound sets. Were not able to get these into the 1.4.25 release due to some time constraints.

"Your message has been successfully forwarded"

Once we get these for the Russian set,  then we'll do a new release when appropriate.
Comments:By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2014-07-07 09:33:16.980-0500

The en_AU maintainer has provided the en_AU files, those will go in the next sounds release.
Still waiting on the ru sound prompts and we don't yet have a new maintainer for es.

[Edit - These went in core 1.4.26)

By: Alexander Litnitskiy (litnialex) 2015-08-20 05:52:04.802-0500

Hi, Rusty!

RU set is ready. Here is a temporary link: http://asteriskguru.ru/shared/ru.tbz2.

Missing sound files do present there:

Best Regards,

By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2017-02-05 16:09:20.567-0600

Looked into this last week. The new Russian sound set was included in the 1.5 sounds release, which was released last year. Not sure why the issue didn't get closed out.