
Summary:ASTERISK-22985: System() doesn't handle echo -e like it should
Reporter:Pierre (Anodyne)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-12-13 12:44:36.000-0600Date Closed:2013-12-13 13:14:41.000-0600
Versions:10.8.0 11.6.0 Frequency of
Environment:Debian 7.2 32bitsAttachments:
Description:The following dialplan snippet
same => n(setupCallback),System(echo -e "Channel: SIP/${paidTrunkPrefix}${trunkUser}/${routeType}${CALLERID(num)}\\nCallerID: \"Callback\" <155551234>\\nMaxRetries: 2\\nRetryTime: 10\\nWaitTime: 15\\nContext: CallbackAnswer\\nExtension: ${trunkUser}\\nPriority: 1" > /tmp/callback.call)
doesn't behave like expected. The "-e" is output to the .call file resulting in an invalid syntax for a .call file. The line return and escaped quotes are parsed as they should, the only issue is that the "-e" argument is inserted at the beginning of the .call file

If I run the exact same command in the shell, it does what is expected: line returns parsed etc without inserting the "-e" argument in the output file.

I did not have this problem using Asterisk 11.2.1. I talked about it on IRC, a user tried with the latest SVN of 11 and had the same problem.

Thanks to user newtonr on the IRC, replacing echo by /bin/echo fixes it. I'll leave it up to the devs to figure out if this is intentional or not.
Comments:By: Rusty Newton (rnewton) 2013-12-13 13:13:57.725-0600

I talked with a few people and found that this would be safer when using echo:

System(/bin/echo -e 'my first line\\nMy second line' > /tmp/atestfile)

And as Walter Doekes mentioned in chat, using printf would be more portable:

System(printf 'my first line\nMy second line\n' > /tmp/atestfile)

<wdoekes> when you did echo (without bin) you got the builtin shell command
<wdoekes> and you apparently got a new default shell (dash instead of bash, perhaps)
<wdoekes> and the builtins differ in behaviour, as does the /bin/echo implementation accross distribution

If behavior changed over time, it was likely due to a system update affecting shell versions or which shells are used.