
Summary:ASTERISK-22991: pjsip/ami tests: tests bouncing
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2013-12-15 17:47:21.000-0600Date Closed:2013-12-23 15:41:06.000-0600
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Resources/res_pjsip Tests/testsuite
Versions:12.0.0-beta2 Frequency of
Description:The various PJSIP AMI tests continue to bounce on the build agents.

The tests tend to rely on timing constraints that can't always be relied upon on all build agents. In general, the tests should only query for the AMI attributes when they know that the SIPp scenarios they rely on have completed successfully.

Other tests rely on PJSIP performing some action against the local Asterisk instance. In those cases, the tests should be modified such that the AMI actions are only run when the local Asterisk instance has signalled that all of the prerequisite actions have completed.