
Summary:ASTERISK-23173: PJSip missing feature: SIPPEER
Reporter:xrobau (xrobau)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-01-21 16:00:02.000-0600Date Closed:2016-02-08 14:06:49.000-0600
Versions:12.0.0 Frequency of
Description:There is no equivalent feature of 'SIPPEER' for PJSip endpoints.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-01-21 16:42:27.756-0600

This one I think we got - [PJSIP_ENDPOINT|https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+12+Function_PJSIP_ENDPOINT] function.

By: xrobau (xrobau) 2014-01-21 18:26:29.963-0600

That's what I thought, but that just DESCRIBES the endpoint, and doesn't let your query anything about it - eg, the User Agent of the device (which SIPPEER can do)

(Or am I blind?)

By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-01-21 19:01:49.254-0600

No, you're right about useragent. PJSIP_ENDPOINT does get *most* of what is in SIPPEER, but there's a number of things that I wouldn't think are SIP endpoint related items in SIPPEER as well. Going down the list:

| ip - (default) The IP address. | Yes, through the CHANNEL function (pjsip,local_addr/remote_addr) |
| port - The port number. | Yes, through the CHANNEL function (same) |
| mailbox - The configured mailbox. | Yes, PJSIP_ENDPOINT function |
| context - The configured context. | Yes, PJSIP_ENDPOINT |
| expire - The epoch time of the next expire. | I'm not sure how this is useful, so no. |
| dynamic - Is it dynamic? (yes/no). | No, but again, I'm not sure how this is useful. |
| callerid_name - The configured Caller ID name. | No, but we shouldn't either. CALLERID function does this. |
| callerid_num - The configured Caller ID number. | No, but again, we shouldn't do this. |
| callgroup - The configured Callgroup. | Yes, PJSIP_ENDPOINT |
| pickupgroup - The configured Pickupgroup. | Yes, PJSIP_ENDPOINT |
| namedcallgroup - The configured Named Callgroup. | Yes, PJSIP_ENDPOINT |
| namedpickupgroup - The configured Named Pickupgroup. | Yes, PJSIP_ENDPOINT |
| codecs - The configured codecs. | Yes, PJSIP_ENDPOINT (allow) |
| status - Status (if qualify=yes). | No. This might be useful. |
| regexten - Extension activated at registration. | No. This may or may not be useful; I'm not sure how it would be used right now. |
| limit - Call limit (call-limit). | No, and call-limits have been obsoleted for some time.
| busylevel - Configured call level for signalling busy. | No, and PJSIP doesn't really work that way. |
| curcalls - Current amount of calls. Only available if call-limit is set. | No. It might be useful to have some way to determine how many channels are associated with that - but that would be drilled through the AOR |
| language - Default language for peer. | Yes, PJSIP_ENDPOINT |
| accountcode - Account code for this peer. | No, which means we probably need it as a feature on an endpoint (whoops). It would be accessible through PJSIP_ENDPOINT. Granted, you can set this using CHANNEL still, but having it as a convenience (all channels created through this endpoint get this accountcode) is nice and relatively common. |
| useragent - Current user agent header used by peer. | Nope. This feels like a CHANNEL thing (useragent of the active dialog). |
| maxforwards - The value used for SIP loop prevention in outbound requests | No, not sure this is needed. |
| chanvarname - A channel variable configured with setvar for this peer. | Kind of. You could drill through PJSIP_ENDPOINT to get this, but multiple values would be interesting to extract. Again, not sure how this is very useful - why not just get the channel variable? |
| codecx - Preferred codec index number x (beginning with zero). | No, but this might be useful. I'd prefer to do it through a different mechanism however. |

So it's a mixed bag. Looking at what we don't have, I'd group it into one of the following categories:
* Information about the current registration. I'd rather have a function that provides that run-time information, rather than crowding the CHANNEL or PJSIP_ENDPOINT. PJSIP_REGISTRATION maybe?
* Run-time PJSIP information about the channel. In general, these should probably be added to CHANNEL where appropriate. Media information is a bit tricky; it may end up running into/combined with PJSIP_MEDIA_OFFER.

By: xrobau (xrobau) 2014-01-22 12:56:38.592-0600

With 'useragent' we currently use that to query devices so we know what headers to send them to auto answer.  I believe we also use curcalls for in-use detection, too.

By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2014-01-22 12:59:15.619-0600

The wrinkle with useragent is that you want the useragent of any contacts associated with the endpoint, of which there may be multiple. It complicates things a bit. One option is to allow contacts to be queried from the dialplan and then use a pre-dial handler.

By: xrobau (xrobau) 2016-02-08 13:59:36.321-0600

Looks like this was implemented in Asterisk 13?


By: Joshua C. Colp (jcolp) 2016-02-08 14:06:49.308-0600

You appear to be correct.