
Summary:ASTERISK-23179: [patch] Formats: allow improved performance in Asterisk 11
Reporter:Corey Farrell (coreyfarrell)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-01-22 14:43:08.000-0600Date Closed:2015-03-14 17:42:55
Versions:11.8.0 Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) no-format_attr.patch
Description:This ticket is inspired by Josh's email in asterisk-dev, and loosely related to ASTERISK-23114.  The purpose of this ticket is to allow significant reduction in the cost of ast_format_cmp in Asterisk 11, without breaking ABI.  The patch does nothing unless WITHOUT_FORMAT_ATTR_INTERFACE is defined for main/format.c.

For those who do not use res_format_attr_*.so, this patch and the define significantly reduce the cost of ast_format_cmp.

I tested with callgrind, 2 SIP calls at the same time to ConfBridge for 1 minute.  No transcoding was done (both channels used slin), debug was set to 1 and verbose set to 6.

Without the patch or without the define ast_format_cmp represented 26% of the Ir for each channel thread, 11% for the bridge thread.  With the patch and define ast_format_cmp was reduced to 1% for each channel, 0.4% for the bridge thread.
Comments:By: Corey Farrell (coreyfarrell) 2015-03-14 17:42:55.146-0500

I never tried to have this patch to be considered, it was only posted to be available to others.