
Summary:ASTERISK-23187: testsuite: Write a test for the AstDB
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-01-26 21:37:13.000-0600Date Closed:2014-02-15 22:16:03.000-0600
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Core/AstDB Tests/testsuite
Versions: 11.7.0 12.0.0 Frequency of
Description:We could use a test for the Asterisk Test Suite that verifies the AstDB. This should be in the {{tests/pbx/}} directory (for lack of a better place). The test should be a pluggable component test, and use the SimpleTestCase test object. Pluggable modules that use the AMIEventModule should be used to listen for {{UserEvent}} AMI Events raised from the dialplan. The test should cover the following:

* Use the DB function to verify that a value can be written to the database. Note that the DB function will also have to be used to read the values. This should verify:
** That values can be written to multiple families
** That a value can be re-written to a specific family.
** That values read from a particular family are returned by the DB function
** That values read from a particular family are stored in the DB_RESULT channel variable
* Use the DB function to verify that non-existent families return an empty string ('')
* Use the DB_EXISTS function to verify whether or not a particular family exists. This should test both families that do exist as well as families that do not.
* Use the DB_KEYS function to verify that a family prefix will return all keys within a family. This should test:
** A family prefix that returns a single key
** A family prefix that returns more than one key
** A family prefix that should return no keys (bad family prefix)
* Verify the DB_DELETE function. This should check:
** That an unknown family returns ''
** That a known family returns the key and is deleted (a subsequent call should return '')