
Summary:ASTERISK-23230: testsuite: Write a nominal AgentLogin/AgentRequest test
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-01-30 14:30:50.000-0600Date Closed:2014-03-11 11:11:44
Versions:12.0.0 Frequency of
Description:The AgentLogin/AgentRequest applications are new in Asterisk 12 and are the replacement for the {{chan_agent}} channel driver.

The following would be a basic test for AgentLogin/AgentRequest:
# Login a valid agent.
# Have a hint on the dialplan for that agent. Verify that the status changes when the user logs in. When logged in, it should be available.
# Have another channel use AgentRequest to request the agent. Verify that the agent is removed from the holding pool and bridged with the requester.
## Verify that the hint status changes to in use
# The caller should hang up after some period of time
# Verify that the agent is returned to the pool

Note that for this test, the configuration should be set up to be an unintrusive as possible, i.e., no DTMF should be required to accept the call, etc.