
Summary:ASTERISK-23263: testsuite: Write tests for AgentLogin/AgentRequest that covers acknowledgement
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-02-07 12:33:35.000-0600Date Closed:2014-03-18 13:06:38
Versions:12.0.0 Frequency of
Description:Similar to ASTERISK-23230, this issue is to write tests that cover the AgentLogin/AgentRequest applications.

This task is to write tests for the following scenarios:

h3. Acknowledgement of Call (Nominal)

h4. Scenario 1

The agent has the following settings in {{agents.conf}}:
* {{ackcall = true}}

When a caller requests the agent, a prompt (beep) will be played out (NOTE: This *will* have a TEST_EVENT for it). The agent must then send a DTMF keypress ('#') to the caller. Upon doing so, they will be bridged.

h4. Scenario 2

A different agent has the following settings {{agents.conf}}:
* {{ackcall = true}}
* {{acceptdtmf = *}}

When a caller requests the agent, a prompt (beep) will be played out. The agent must then send a DTMF keypress ('*') to the caller. Upon doing so, they will be bridged.

h4. Scenario 3

Another agent has the following settings {{agents.conf}}:
* {{ackcall = true}}
* {{custom_beep = tt-weasels}}

When a caller requests the agent, a prompt (tt-weasels) will be played out. The agent must then send a DTMF keypress ('#') to the caller. Upon doing so, they will be bridged.

h3. Acknowledgement of a call - off nominal

h4. Scenario 1

The agent has the following settings in {{agents.conf}}:
* {{ackcall = true}}

When a caller requests the agent, a prompt (beep) will be played out. Verify that when the agent presses the wrong DTMF key (not '#'), the agent is not bridged. Verify that eventually, the requester is hung up. Verify that the AGENT_STATUS channel variable is set to ERROR for the requester.

h4. Scenario 2

The agent has the following settings in {{agents.conf}}:
* {{ackcall = true}}
* {{autologoff = true}}

When a caller requests the agent, a prompt (beep) will be played out. The agent should not perform any action. Verify that eventually, the requester and agent hung up. Verify that the AGENT_STATUS channel variable is set to ERROR for the requester.

Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-03-18 13:06:38.879-0500

patch agent_ack_diff uploaded by bford (license 6580)