
Summary:ASTERISK-23342: PJSIP Testing: Subscription tests
Reporter:Matt Jordan (mjordan)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-02-21 11:47:38.000-0600Date Closed:2014-06-06 08:19:06
Versions:12.0.0 Frequency of
Description:While we have a fair amount of subscription based tests for PJSIP, there's a number of off nominal scenarios that still need to be tested.

Note that with the addition of these tests, it may be worthwhile to restructure our existing pub/sub tests into a hierarchy similar to the basic call tests.

h4. Disallowed subscriptions

* A SIP UA subscribes for a valid event package with Asterisk, but the endpoint doesn't allow subscriptions
* Asterisk responds with a 603

h4. MinExpiry not met

* A SIP UA sends a subscription with an expiration time that is less than the configured minexpiry for the endpoint
* Asterisk responds with a 423

h4. No Event Header

* A SIP UA sends a subscription but fails to provide an Event header
* Asterisk responds with a 489

h4. Unknown Event Package

* A SIP UA sends a subscription for an unknown event package
* Asterisk responds with a 489