
Summary:ASTERISK-23416: stasis app: ChannelCreated event not being received
Reporter:Kevin Harwell (kharwell)Labels:
Date Opened:2014-03-04 15:33:41.000-0600Date Closed:2014-05-15 21:42:19
Status:Closed/CompleteComponents:Core/Stasis Resources/res_ari
Versions:12.1.0 Frequency of
Description:After creating and having an app listen for events on a websocket and then originating a channel to the app, no 'ChannelCreated' event is received/raised.  Even tried subscribing the app to a specific endpoint and still no event upon channel creation.

Steps to reproduce:
1. have app listening on a websocket for events
2. originate a call (post channels/endpoint=<ep>?app=<appname>)
3. verify app does not receive event over the websocket.
Comments:By: Matt Jordan (mjordan) 2014-05-15 21:42:07.981-0500

Nope, this is actually expected behaviour. The channel creation happens while the channel is not within the Stasis app.

If the subscription model of Stasis changes (or another mechanism to control channels is created), this event will show up. Otherwise, much like BridgeCreated, its documentation is merely a reflection that somewhere, JSON was made... and disappeared into the aether.